예전에 윈도우XP의 부팅속도를 빠르게 하는 방법에 대한 글을 올렸었습니다.

반응이 좋았기 때문에 다른 방법도 한 번 포스팅 해보도록 하겠습니다.

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2008/10/27 - [컴퓨터활용] - 윈도우XP 부팅속도를 빠르게 하는방법

이번에 알려드리는 방법은 Bootvis라는 것을 사용하는 것입니다.

이 프로그램은 마이크로소프트에서 만들었습니다.

사용시 전원에 불을 키고 윈도우 진입하여

바탕화면에 아이콘이 뜨는 것 까지의 시간이 줄어들게됩니다.

지렁이 수가 줄었다는 분들도 여러명 계시더군요.

우선 프로그램은 다운로드합니다.

<bootvis Download>

1. 파일 다운 후 실행합니다.
2. 메뉴의 Trace - Next Boot + Driver Delays 를 클릭합니다.
3. Trace Repetitions 창이 뜹니다. Restart automatically after tracing 을 선택후 OK를 클릭.
    (아마 재부팅이 될 겁니다.)
4. Trace - Optimize System을 클릭. (아마 다시 재부팅..)
5. 끝입니다.

이렇게 간단하게 윈도우xp의 부팅속도를 빠르게 해볼 수 있습니다.

하단은 MS의 공식 문서입니다.

Customer research shows a frequently requested feature that users want from their PCs is fast system startup, whether from cold boot or when resuming from standby or hibernation. The Windows development team at Microsoft has taken bold steps in making fast startup PCs a reality with the Microsoft Windows XP operating system.

The design goals for Windows XP on a typical consumer PC are:

• Boot to a useable state in a total of 30 seconds
• Resume from Hibernate (S4) in a total of 20 seconds
• Resume from Standby (S3) in a total of 5 seconds

Boot and resume times are measured from the time the power switch is pressed to being able to start a program from a desktop shortcut.

About Bootvis.exe
Bootvis.exe is a performance tracing and visualization tool that Microsoft designed to help PC system designers and software developers identify performance issues for boot/resume timing while developing new PC products or supporting software.

Please note that Bootvis.exe is not a tool that will improve boot/resume performance for end users. Contrary to some published reports, Bootvis.exe cannot reduce or alter a system's boot or resume performance. The boot optimization routines invoked by Bootvis.exe are built into Windows XP. These routines run automatically at pre-determined times as part of the normal operation of the operating system.

If you are an end-user seeking to resolve issues for boot/resume performance on your PC, we recommend that you contact the vendor from whom you purchased the PC. For information from Microsoft on specific issues, you can search Knowledge Base for Windows XP product issues related to "resume time." Knowledge Base is a free information service available at: http://support.microsoft.com/?scid=fh;[ln];kbhowto

You can also post questions to the Microsoft Windows XP Newsgroups at: http://www.microsoft.com/communities

If you are a software developer or system designer seeking assistance for using Bootvis.exe in your development efforts, please work with your usual Microsoft Product Support Services (PSS) contacts for developer support. To get developer support if you do not already have a contact, please see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/support/

The Bootvis.exe tool is no longer available from this site.

Posted by 큐에이