DirectShow Samples

DirectShow 2010. 6. 28. 14:09

Microsoft® DirectShow® 샘플들은 Windows SDK에 포함 되어있다..
샘플들은 [SDK Root]\Samples\Multimedia\DirectShow 아래에 위치한다.

아래는 Windows SDK에서 제공해주는 모든 DirectShow 샘플 테이블 리스트이다. 샘플을 빌드하는 방법에 대한 설명은 Windows SDK에서 제공된 문서를 참고해라. 샘플에 대한 추가설명은 이 테이블 첫번째 링크에 있다.


Sample Area Description Additional Dependencies
DirectShow Base Classes Base class library C++ classes and utility functions designed for implementing
DirectShow filters.
AmCap Sample Capture Video capture application. strmbase.lib
DVApp Sample Capture Digital Video (DV) capture application.
PlayCap Sample Capture Simple capture application.
DMO Demo Sample DMO Streams audio data from a WAV file through an audio effect DMO. DirectX SDK
DVD Sample DVD Demonstrates basic DVD playback and navigation, plus advanced features such as parental level management, bookmarks, karaoke, and command synchronization.
InfTee Filter Sample Filters, miscellaneous Sample implementation of the Infinite Pin Tee filter. strmbase.lib
Metronome Filter Sample Filters, miscellaneous Shows how to implement a reference clock. strmbase.lib
PSI Parser Filter Sample Filters, miscellaneous Receives Program Specific Information (PSI) tables from an MPEG-2 transport stream and extracts program information. strmbase.lib
Dump Filter Sample Filters, renderer Writes media samples receives to a text file. strmbase.lib
SampVid Filter Filters, renderer Video renderer filter. strmbase.lib
Scope Filter Sample Filters, renderer Displays sound data as wave forms. strmbase.lib
Async Filter Sample Filters, source File reader filter that supports progressive download. strmbase.lib
Ball Filter Sample Filters, source Video source filter that produces an image of a bouncing ball. strmbase.lib
Push Source Filters Sample Filters, source Source filters that provide the following data as a video stream: A single bitmap, a set of bitmaps, a copy of the current desktop image. strmbase.lib
Synth Filter Sample Filters, source Source filter that generates audio waveforms. This sample demonstrates dynamic graph building. strmbase.lib
EZRGB24 Filter Sample Filters, transform Image processing filter. strmbase.lib
Gargle Filter Sample Filters, transform Audio effect filter. strmbase.lib
WavDest Filter Sample Filters, transform Writes an audio stream to a WAV file. strmbase.lib
DMOEnum Sample Miscellaneous Shows how to enumerate DirectX® Media Objects (DMOs).
Mapper Sample Miscellaneous Shows how to use the Filter Mapper to find filters in the registry.
SysEnum Sample Miscellaneous Demonstrates using the System Device Enumerator to enumerate devices and filters.
CutScene Sample Playback Plays a video file in full-screen mode.
DDrawXCL Sample Playback Plays video in DirectDraw exclusive full-screen mode, using the IDDrawExclModeVideo interface on the Overlay Mixer filter.
DShowPlayer Sample Playback Video playback application.
EVRPlayer Sample Playback Demonstrates how to use the DirectShow EVR filter.

Requires Windows Vista or later.

This sample is available in the Windows SDK for Windows Server 2008 or later.

Texture3D9 Sample Playback Draws video on a Microsoft DirectX 9.0 texture surface. strmbase.lib, DirectX SDK
Ticker Sample VMR-9 Uses the VMR-9 to blend video and text.
VMR9Allocator Sample VMR-9 Implements a custom allocator-presenter for the VMR-9. strmbase.lib
VMR9Compositor Sample VMR-9 Implements a custom mixer for the VMR-9.
VMRPlayer Sample VMR-9 Uses the VMR-9 to blend one or two running videos and a static image.
Watermark Sample VMR-9 Blends a static bitmap onto a video during playback, using the VMR-9.
Windowless Sample VMR-9 Demonstrates windowless mode in the VMR-9.


추가 종속성

DirectShow 기본 클래스 라이브러리대한 샘플 링크의 일부분. 이 샘플들을 빌드할 때 당신은 반드시 먼저 기본 클래스 라이브러리를 빌드해야된다.  자세한 내용은 DirectShow Base Classes를 보아라. 기본 클래스 라이브러리는 모든 샘플 필터들이 요구된다. 

샘플들중 몇 개는 DirectX SDK외에 Windows SDK를 요구한다. 이 샘플들을 빌드하려면 당신은 반드시 DirectX SDK인스톨을 하고  %DXSDK_DIR% 환경 변수를 당신의 DirectX SDK를 설치 경로와 동일게 설정하라.

많은 DirectShow 샘플들은 [SDK Root]\Samples\Multimedia\DirectShow\Common 디렉토리의 공통 헤더파일과 소스파일 집합을 사용한다. 만약 당신이 샘플 폴더를 다른 디렉토리로 복사하려면 공통 폴더역시 복사 할 수 있는지 확인하라.  If


Setting Up the Build Environment

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Posted by 큐에이